Wednesday, 23 February 2011

When the doctor become the patient

The daily life of a doctor at the pediatric hospital is like survinging on a jungle. You are surrounded by thousand of virus and bacteria that can catch you anytime... and easily you become the patient :) There're two weeks I've been feeling weaker, coughing and sneezing (without fever), but last week I couldn't hold it and got a terrible flu. I'm still recovering and hoping to be better for next weekend competition. I'll run a mixed night relay, 6 runners from different categories that starts at 4pm...I'll run the last course (7km) by night and I'm really looking forward for it!! Till saturday I have to keep killing my virus but it won't be that easy...tomorrow I'll have 12h work at the E.R. and friday still 8 hours to work. That's my work, my passion and I'm happy with my job. Children are lovely and it's very rewarding work :)

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