Friday, 16 July 2010

The end

Today I finished six years of hard study on Medicine. I'm a doctor now... :) I'm quite speechlesss and with a mix of good feelings...but overall I'm really happy and glad. Thanks a lot to all of you who have been walking along with me during this time. Now it'll starts a new chapter on my life!

Monday, 12 July 2010

3 days OFF

3 days off, 5 min floating on the mediteranean sea, eat some tapas and drink a beer in the evening, run some nice orienteering races, walk throught Barcelona without any rush, sleep siesta and just enjoy being resting were magic to recharge (a part of) my batteries.

Sprint map

About my orienteering it was quite funny on the beggining of the race, because on the way to the first control my map flow away from my hands and I had to run to catch it and then be back on my race.I did some stupid mistakes and my speed wasnt the best for a sprint race at all. But for a vacation competition I'm satisfied :)

Now unfortunately I'm back to the hospital, to the library, to the book... and keep holding this flow till november...

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

M&M - maps and mistakes

After so many weeks saying I was going to post the last competitions maps, I'm finally doing it ;)! Here are maps from absolut national championship (1), long distance national championship (2) and relay national championship (3).
I succeed very well as I won all these races, but after deep analysis (you can check it on my route choices and mistakes) I'm sure my biggest problem in not concerning with my running skills...for sure 70% it's because of my (so very)weak orienteering technique. During these 3 races, overall I lost about 20'22'' (!!!) and I managed to win, for sure my legs were the one which worked well (not my brains :( There's a lot to analyse and think about (BIG???) changes when planning 2011 season.