That was time to run one of the greatest and most exciting o-event in the world, Tiomila- relay. Yippee:) For the first time I ran that relay and I must say that it was the best ever event where I ran! I've got the pleasure to run the last long leg and all went fine. 9,5km on swedish terrain didn't seem pretty easy, but that 10mila terrain suited me well and I could put the finishing touches...we got 10 places better ;)
Well, but April wans't a fairy tail and big examination on the end of the month almost killed me. Luckily, after some battles with big big books I survived and it's possible to say that I manage with the situation very well:)
Besides that, we started to have national team trainning camps! It's simply delicious to see that finally we have a «TEAM» and everybody is working very motivated and positive mind.Our two camps were blessed with sunny days, great ambiance and hard working! But, hey, candies taste much better after though work;)
(April: 14h I level;60' II level;56' III level;40' strenght;2h gym;8h map)