Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Season-analysis in a nutshell

I would call to the last season «terribly demanding». Not because of competitions neither because of load of training at all, but mainly because of the huge amount of work at university and between this, training and some competitions. Here are some numbers (47weeks of training):
  • I ran about 239h of running, which 41h of these are of orienteering;
  • Only 18% of my training was orienteering training;
  • I had one foot small surgery between - costed me 1month out of training;
  • I only ran 18 competitions during all the season;
  • I spent 5h/day average studying from january till august, then 10h from august till middle of september and reached the top with 15h/day during october and november...

Well, these are only numbers...I had my goals setted in the beggining on the season: some were reached, other not and actually I achieved one not expected. I believe that the lack of orienteering training and competition can explain something about the not-achieved.

I know I had a terrible amount of things to manage with and it seems tough, but when you have the best family, boyfriend and coach in the world, things become easier. Thank you so much :)

I'm happy and glad when comparing these numbers with the final result of such a demanding season :):)

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Welcome back to your life Maria :)

Finally I have my life back. I can feel the wind on my face, ear the birds in the morning outside, watch the sunset on the sea, taste a delicious hot chocolate in the evening and smell the wet ground after a rain shower.

After one year of study and preparation to the final exam of the Medical school, finally I'm free :) During the last two months I was totally focused on my study and so I spent around 12-15h a day on my desk studying, rarely going outside home,whithout proper sleeping, big doses of coffee and huge stress load. Just outside of my room to have meals. That's insane to study for such exam.

Happily this study marathon is over and I have my life back. I'm glad I could manage to achive my goals. Now I have a month of holidays till januray when I'll start working as a doctor :)

Mostely the feelings are of relief, happiness and motivation for the upcoming new goals!